Reforestation Test Program, Tunisia

Southern Tunisia


Grouting techniques can also be used to prevent wind erosion and keep moisture in the soil. A four acre miniature forest was grown in the Sahara desert (southern Tunesia) using a specially developed solution grout. It was sprayed on the sand after small Acacia Cyanaphylla trees were planted. The grout glued the sand particles together, while allowing rainfall to percolate through. This kept the moisture in the soil. In a nearby field the same trees were planted and they all became uprooted due to wind erosion.

In the stabilized section, no wind erosion took place and within 5 years the trees had grown three metres tall. The natural vegetation was slowly taking over the role of erosion control as the grout degraded with time. The grout used was a hydrophillic polyurethane, which is bio-degradable and has a low phyto-toxicity.

ECO have extensive experience with two types of solution grouts successfully applied in arid areas for surface stabilization, erosion control and reforestation.

A surface stabilization with a non-degradable solution grout can also be used to prevent oxidation of tailings prior to generating acid seepage (drainage).